Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bill Clinton Campaigns for Obama

Bill Clinton opened his campaign tour for Obama in Florida on Wednesday, with a wonderful 22 minute speech. I think his positive campaigning - and avoidance of the negative attacks will be a strong positive for independent and undecided voters. He is SO inspiring to listen to. Some have felt that he's been slow to come aboard, but the reality is that he only first met Obama in mid-September. He is not playing the obvious partisan card which goes to his credibility when he does speak out in support of Obama. He's also been heavily engaged in his annual Clinton Global Initiative meeting that occurred in New York last week; so being non-partisan is his mode of operation these days for this reason as well. Let there be no question - he is totally behind Obama in this race.

It was nice to hear positive campaigning on the issues after all the negative spin of which there will be plenty in these next 30 days. I hope they will be sending him to Ohio next

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