Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I just had to laugh -

I have to laugh… direct from the John McCain website, his Energy Plan includes changing light bulbs. I guess, by the standard he applies to Obama, changing light bulbs is the McCain Energy Plan.

"American Homes: Homeowners can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year with better light bulbs, appliances, windows, and insulation."

Did you notice, like I did, that his Energy plan is listed as “Jobs for America”? More on that later, but first... save Thousands with light bulbs, appliances, windows and insulation?
I’d like to see the calculations on that! It sounds a bit ‘enthusiastic’ and certainly isn’t backed with any facts on his site. I can vouch from personal experience that you won’t save thousands by changing out your light bulbs for CFLs. It’s a good idea, and one that I’ve done (see my previous posts), and think we all should do, but let’s get real on the individual families actual expected savings and investment costs.

Light Bulbs and Tire Pressure Gauges.. KISS at work!

What strikes me most is that somehow he thinks that Nuclear Power is “Clean” energy. Does he think its “Clean” because it’s a ‘zero-emission’ technology (to quote his site)? I certainly hope its zero emission, but what about the Nuclear Waste? Even if you consider a strategy to reclaim some of the waste, the remainder is so toxic, so radioactive, and so potentially dangerous, that handling the waste coming from the existing 100 or so reactors in the US is already an unsolved major problem. John McCain’s own state doesn’t want nuclear waste stored there, and transporting waste through any populated area, or between states is almost impossible. He completely ignores the issue of what to do with all the waste. Remember, nuclear waste will be with us for generations.

The fallacy of this cornerstone of the McCain Energy Plan is that for reasons that are obvious to anyone in the energy business, not a single application to build a nuclear power plant has been received by the NRC or DOE in the past 2 decades. In spite of this glaring fact, McCain seems to think that he can wave a magic wand and just because he says so, utility companies and related construction industries will build 42 new nuclear power plants by 2030 (in the next 2 decades). Obviously, if there was some logical economic sense to building a new nuclear power plant in this country, someone would have applied to do it sometime in recent history. To top it all off, McCain would insist that the plants be built using only American companies and labor (notice that his energy plan is actually listed under “Jobs for America” on his website - see link above), yet the latest technology for doing so exists outside the US, being that the construction industry hasn’t built a plant here since the ‘70s.

This really is a ‘Jobs’ program as the web page header says. It’s a boondoggle for the Industrial complex, (the Military has it's own boondoggles), not a realistic energy plan. You won’t see a single watt of electric power from this plan for at least the next decade. Similarly, even if McCain wants to start drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf today as he states in his latest speech, realistically... oil production from such an undertaking is also between 5 and 10 years away.

For now, I guess we will all just have to inflate our tires and change out our light bulbs. At least, it will have an effect NOW. As simple proof, the decline of fuel prices. People have stopped extra driving when gas went to $4.50/gal., and the drop in demand is having it's effect!

On the other side of the political fence, I sent my 2 cents in to Obama's web site, and I suppose a few thousand others have as well. Maybe, as a result, today you see him taking a stand and pushing back the Republican's ridicule.

Obama fights back and defends his statement that when asked what an individual can do, that tire inflation is both a viable and serious response:

OK. I had to post this link.
Please send your complaints to McCain; he opened the door for this.
Sure she's got holes in her arguements:
Are you sure Maui is the best place for you to tan?
I have to say it's scary when she sounds better than McCain on the energy issue.

Paris Hilton chimes in with her response.. TYVM Syd, it's all your fault!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

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