Thursday, October 30, 2008

Keeping Up

Ok, so I missed a day... so let's get to it! I've been busy following this, stirring the pot and commenting and emailing wherever I can.

In a previous post Beyond Repudiation, I discussed the smear campaign in Pennsylvania targeting the Jewish vote with an email linking a vote to Obama to the Holocaust. I filed an action request with the Anti-Defamation League and got a direct email response. I hope I was one of thousands that asked for action. In any case, their response was appreciated. The Press Release has helped raise some additional media attention. Sadly, it seems that CNN has not seen fit to PRINT a single word on this whole mess. NOTHING!! I sent the tip to them, suggested the story to them, then sent a message to AC360's Keeping Them Honest, blasting their producers for ignoring it. Since, I've heard Lou Dobbs mention it, and one other reference to liberal bloggers, but no call beyond my own for action on the part of the McCain campaign to repudiate it's signatory, who is still on his national staff. I guess it would be too much to expect of the McCain campaign anyway. At least there is this:

Dear Mr. Ben-Yehuda, We released a statement to the press and published it on our web site. You can see the statement by following this link.
If you have any other questions, please contact me at the number below.
Kevin O’Grady
Kevin O'Grady, Ed.D.
Regional Director
Anti-Defamation League
Orange County/Long Beach Regional Office
714-979-4733 FAX: 714-979-4138

And then there is this story that went out on the AP: Ex-PA judge - Sorry

It's getting picked up by AP affiliates all over...
CNN - they had their chance. I think they've lost their edge.

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