The intent is clear, to the Republican campaign, the Issues don't matter, it's all about personality and political rhetoric. This entire week of RNC speech making has been devoid of specific discussion of the issues. What little McCain said about the issues, was met with considerably less enthusiasm.
Palin is just another pawn in the process. It's a clever choice. She has a strong, yet attractive personality, and will appeal to those for whom the Issues are beyond understanding. There is that block of voters in this country that are proven to vote based on "who they like". "Likeability", in a close race, can be enough to shift the balance, especially in some of the swing states where this battle will really be won or lost.
Democrats must be careful to not lose the "likeability" contest by getting sucked into this political trap. Instead, they must continue to explain in simple straightforward ways, the critical choice that voters must make in November, and how that vote will directly affect their lives and the direction this country will take. They must also do it in an uplifting, creative and engaging way, so as to appeal to those who don't really listen or study the facts, but rather decide based on what they "Like" about the candidate.
This Cartoon was sent along in an email I got today.
Hope you enjoy it -!!

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