Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Republican Campaign 'Facts' - Lies, Exaggeration, and Misrepresentations

If there was ever any doubt, the Republican campaign has confirmed for us all that the lies, exaggeration and misrepresentations that have been the mainstay of the current administration are also the political strategy of their candidates. The real facts just don't seem to matter anymore - just like George Bush and Dick Cheney since 9/11/2001 and the case for the war in Iraq. Facts - the Republicans have figured out how to make them irrelevant.

One interesting example is the flag waving around McCain's history as a POW. Not to take anything away from his ordeal, bravery or honor; but is it really a qualification to be Commander in Chief as the Republicans would have us believe?

Here's a very interesting perspective by another POW who knows John not only from Hanoi, but also from his years at the Naval Academy. Read the link, or watch the video.

Doctor Phillip Butler is a 1961 graduate of the United States Naval Academy and a former light-attack carrier pilot. In 1965 he was shot down over North Vietnam where he spent eight years as a prisoner of war. He is a highly decorated combat veteran who was awarded two Silver Stars, two Legion of Merits, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Heart medals.

After his repatriation in 1973 he earned a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California at San Diego and became a Navy Organizational Effectiveness consultant. He completed his Navy career in 1981 as a professor of management at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California. He is now a peace and justice activist with Veterans for Peace.
Why I will Not Vote for John McCain(www.military.com)

OMG - it's a post that isn't about Sarah Palin - guess she's turning into old news.

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